What must be present in the daily menu? Losing weight does not mean a strict limit food intake, but only to exclude from it products harmful to health teenager: Coke, pizza, chips, potato "fries." Two weeks later, a gradual transition to the new menu, it should definitely include:
• Fruits and vegetables - these foods are a source of fiber, excretes toxins, excess water. Fruits and vegetables will help get rid of fat; dried fruits are also useful: they can replace the use of sweets.
• Cereal, i.e. porridge - It is desirable to use every day in the breakfast hours. In grains are complex carbohydrates that are useful for any organism.
Meat and fish are needed as a source of protein for the growing organism. You can eat meat low-fat varieties: chicken and turkey, as well as beef, veal. Fish is better to use low-fat varieties, for example hake or pike.
• Legumes: lentils, beans, peas and beans.
• Low-fat dairy products.
• Clean water - in large quantities: 1.5-2 days.
The most important thing that should be followed when losing weight - it's meals, during which try to eat limited portions, not less than four and not more than 5 times a day. After 19.00 the food should consist of raw fruits and yogurt. You can drink warm green tea with 1 teaspoon of honey.
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